Thursday, October 31, 2013

It's Halloween time again!

It's my favorite time of year once again! As the kids are getting older, they suddenly have opinions as to what they want for costumes. This year Cooper wanted to be Paul Bunyan (yeah!) and Adeline chose to be a "Sleeping Fairy". I was up for the challenge.

Paul Bunyan was a ton of fun. The crocheted the beard with the fuzziest yarn I could find. It took me a couple tries to get the size and mouth-hole positioned just right. I attached the beard to the hat so that it wouldn't slip around. I made the plaid shirt, blue pants and attached the suspenders to them. The shoulder pads were meant to make him look more brawny. The axe was another creative solve. Cooper found this great stick and I fashioned the blade out of black vinyl with polyfill stuffing. I used a silver metallic Sharpie to make the blade edges. I couldn't look at the kid with a straight face the entire evening.

The Sleeping Fairy was a creative collaboration I had with my daughter. The gown was inspired by other fairy gowns and layered, sparkly chiffon. The satin is what makes it more nightgown-inspired. Finally, instead of a wand, we came up with the idea of a magical sleep mask that helps people sleep.

Can't wait to see what we come up with next year!