Saturday, January 10, 2009

Stroller Sack

Recently I had a request to conduct a workshop on sewing stroller sacks. I picked up 1 yard of printed no-pill fleece fabric and grabbed our umbrella stroller. 1 yard was the perfect yardage for our 2-yr-old daughter to fit. Instead of adding zippers on the side seams, I opted to overlap the fabric across the front. It perfectly tucks underneath her body with a closure added. One of the few thing I like about fleece is that the edges won't fray so cutting slits for the straps to come through are very easy & clean. The final result was very stylish, warm, and easy to sew!


Very Shannon said...

This is a great idea, I love it!



Real Estate said...

We will have the XL2 Feature Pictures Live Soon. The XL1 Features are the same as the XL2, just double anything that applies to both sides of the stroller. Miriam_Wilson